Mary Lee's art quilts are for sale.
Please be in touch if you are interested in purchasing or have questions. Minnesota Sales tax 7.38% and shipping will be added to the sale. Email to connect:
Enjoy looking around.
Longevity 11" x 15"
April 2023
Art Quilt
Hand painting on cotton fabric.
Machine drawing/quilting and hand stitching with embroidery floss.
"dots, lines,dashes" February 2023, 13" x 16" Art Quilt
Hand painting on cotton fabric. Machine and hand stitching.
Art quilt
"Leaves, Flowers, Bluffs"
March 2023
13" x 16"
Flower petals of tulips, columbine, sand coreopsis, and purple prairie clover embedded in cotton fabric. Machine quilting/drawing and hand stitching.
Art quilt
Lanesboro Arts Center
"Meander" April 2023, 11" x 15"
Hand dyed fabrics, hand stitched embroidery,
machine quilt drawing.
Art quilt
Lanesboro Arts Center
Flow to Your True Home
April 2022
19" x 24" Art Quilt
Fabric collage, poetry, machine quilting/drawing
Poetry on Art Quilt:
The water of
the brook sings a song of joy as it flows; it has a conversation
that only it
can understand, or perhaps a grasshopper at the edge of the brook
understand scratching its legs, it nods in agreement.
The creek
tinkles like bells that a near by fairy can hear. The creek
dances on
the banks and splashes and plays.
The river
moves slowly continuing toward the sea.
It says, “I am too sleepy
to hurry or
create such a chatter.” Then it flows
down a hill and starts to pick
up speed and
finds its voice. A soft roar at first
growing more steady as it
boulders and roots.
A chatter of
jubilation as it twists and turns heading toward the sea its true home.
This art continues on to a show at the Carnegie Art Center in Mankato, Minnesota
August 1 - October 14.
"Fill Up" February 2021, 12" x 9.5"
Hand dyed fabrics, repurposed crazy quilt with velvet and embroidery,
text, machine quilt drawing.
"Know Life" February 2021, 14" x 11"
Hand dyed fabric, machine quilt drawing,quote by
Vincent Van Gogh,
"The Way to KNOW LIFE is to Love many things."
Create Every Day
12" x 17"
Art quilt Fabric collage, stamped text, machine drawing/quilting
"Embrace Change, Dream, February 2021, 16" x 11.25"
Hand dyed fabrics, text, machine quilt drawing

March 2020
Art Quilt collage with text, cloth printed bird, dyed fabric and trim, hand and machine stitching/quilting.
"Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you."
Aldous Huxley
9" x 12.5"
Close up: "Experience..."
March 2020
Art Quilt Flower impressions with machine stitch drawing, hand stitching, Asian fabric, raw silk ribbon
13" x 17"
Dream and Trust
February 2020
Collage art quilt with text on fabric. Machine and hand stitching/quilting and ribbon trim.
"An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day."
Henry David Thoreau
19" x 24"
Close up: Dream and Trust
Full Moon Shine
October 2019
Acrylic paint on muslin, machine quilting
12.5" x 17.5"
Courage and Love
August 2019
Art Quilt: Acrylic painting on fabric, text on cotton fabric, hand and machine quilting
14.25" x 17"
Close up:
"Courage: the most important of all the virtues because
without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently."
Maya Angelou
Flow, Flow, Flo…
June 8, 2019
Collage quilt, painted fabric,
text on fabric, hand and machine quilting.
Detail poem by Bruce Lee
“If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup.
You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle.
You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Now, water can flow or it can crash.
Be water, my friend.”
17.5" x 23"
Compassionate Resistance
July 11, 2017
Photo imagery on cotton, acrylic paint, dyed fabric
Screen printed fist print by Kathy Seifert
16.5" x 21"
Detail of Compassionate Resistance
Blowing in the Breeze
July 17, 2017
Petal Images Embedded in Cotton
Machine stitch drawing
12.25" x 15"
Dye painted cotton, photo transfers, commercial cotton fabric, beads and machine quilting
Growth in Beauty
July 2006
Batik with machine quilting
11.25” x 15”
Sun Going Down
April 2005
Hand painted cotton and machine stitch drawing.
7.5" x 6"
November 2011
Hand dyed fabric, lots of machine stitched drawing
6" x 9"
Let the Beauty
May 2007
Hand dyed fabric, photo transfer image on fabric, distressed inks, machine quilting, hand stitching embroidery
13.25" x 17.5"
Close up: "Let the beauty we love, be what we do." Rumi
Close up: Detail of bird on "Let the Beauty"
April 2007
Hand dyed and painted fabrics, photo transfer on fabric, lutradur, ribbons, wooden eggs, sticks, machine quilting
17" x 22.5"
Detail of "Beginning"
Flying Free
July 2016
Photo transfer to fabric, painting on silk, making quilting, cotton and silk fabrics
"Learning is movement from moment to moment." J Krisnamurti
17" x 17.25"
Hearts Abound
January 2003
Hand painted and commercial fabrics, machine pieced and quilted
41” x 52.5”
Water Flows
September 2011
Hand dyed fabrics, raw edge applique, machine quilting
13" x 15"
Fly Away with a Book
October 2013
Collage art quilt traveled with EASEL, Experience Art in Southeast Minnesota Libraries
Home studio currently heading to the Lanesboro Arts Center, Lanesboro, Minnesota
Depths of Emotion
September 2005
Dye painted cotton with free motion quilting
31.25” x 26”
Detail Depths of Emotion
Four Turtles Flying
May 2000
Crazy quilt with glass beads, machine and hand quilting
15.25” x 22.25”
Dancing with the Music
May 2000
Crazy quilt with glass beads, machine and hand quilting
25.75” x 28.25
Hmmm, I Wonder
January 2001
Hand painted cotton with machine quilting
12.5” x 14.25”
Go Confidently
September 2005
Hand dyed cotton, photo transfer, silk organza, free motion quilting
21” x 27”
Detail "Go Confidently"
Golden Light
June 2005
Hand dyed and commercial cotton fabrics, machine pieced and quilted
52.5” x 60.5”
Detail Golden Light
Hope Swims Eternal
October 2008
Painted silk, hand dyed cotton, machine quilting
12" x 15"
Ancient Wisdom
October 2005
Oil paint sticks on cotton applied to an acrylic canvas
8” x 10”
October 2005
Oil paint sticks on cotton applied to an acrylic canvas
8” x 10”
Circle Threads
January 2004
Commercial and hand dyed discharged cotton fabrics, machine pieced and quilted
22” x 24”
She, the Stranger
May 2006
cotton, hand dyed cotton, photo transfer on cotton, commercial cotton
and silk fabrics, eyelets and wire, stamped words, 4” x 6” pieces Timex,
machine quilting
Juried into Exhibit Front Porch Show for the Great River Shakespeare Festival 2006
20.5” x 30”
See blog post: She, the Stranger for more images
April 2007
Mixed media collage art quilt
Clothing tags, commercial cotton and silk fabrics, machine quilting
9" x 12"

Fortunate Ones...
June 5, 2012
Mixed media collage art quilt
Photo transfer images, lace, raw cording, brads, various cotton fabrics, machine quilting.
10" x 12"
Detail of text on Fortunate Ones...
The following art quilts are not for sale, NFS, or have been sold. Enjoy the view.
Industrious Octopus 2020 NFS
Hold You Close
September 2019
Art Quilt: acrylic paints, cotton fabric, hand and machine stitching
8" x 9"
~ sold ~
Reaching in Nature's House
August 2019
Art Quilt: Acrylic on cotton, hand and machine stitching
7" x 11.25"
Leiston's Quilt
June 12, 2016
42.5" x 47"
Completed June 11, 2017
Louis' Quilt
Birthday May 16, 2016
29.5" x 48"
Completed June 11, 2017
Elsie's Quilt
39.5" x 57"
Machine pieced and quilted
Cotton fabrics and batting
March 2017
December 2016
Petal images embedded in cotton fabric, machine stitched drawing
9.5" x 16"
Detail of stitching
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."
Albert Einstein
Autumn Flowers
October 2016
Petal images embedded in cotton fabric, machine stitched drawing
13.5" x 16.25"
Detail Autumn Flowers
Detail of Purple Prairie Clover
Close up
Lake Superior
July 2004
Hand painted cotton with machine stitched drawing.
16" x 13"
Live in the Sunshine
April 2012
Hand dyed fabric, photo text on cloth, machine stitched drawing
6" x 9"
Summer Bird
August 2016
Photo transfer on fabric, hand dyed fabric, machine drawing
7" x 9"
Detail "Summer Bird"
"What is Friendship?"
12" x 15.75"
Photo transfer to fabric, machine drawing, embroidery threads, cotton fabric
June 2016
"What is Friendship?
She is the essence of care, laughter & truth.
She is an angel wearing street clothes."
Ella McDaniels
Stitching close up
Girl eating watermelon, close up image on art quilt
Creating Together a Community
January 24, 2016
Photo montage quilt of the students and teachers of E2A, Upper Elementary Classroom A 2009-2010 at Bluffview Montessori School, Winona, Minnesota.
Students and teachers of 4th Grade through 6th Grade hand stitched quilt.
Photo transfer, hand stitching, and machine stitching on binding
14" x 14.75"
Three Generations: Mary Catherine, Mary Rose, and Amaliya Rose
June 30, 2015
Photo transfer on fabric, fabric, paper, cotton batting, yarn, button, hand and machine quilting
10" x 12.25"
Love Begins
November 2013
Hand dyed fabrics, photo transfer, machine quilting, bead embellishment
16" x 20"
Detail Love Begins, photo transfer image
"Love begins at home. It is not how much we do,
but how much love we put in our actions that matters."
Mother Teresa
Spring Hope
May 2007
Hand painted fabric, photo transfers, sticks, machine quilting
15” x 19”
Spring Hope, detail
Spring Hope, detail
"Hope is the thing with feathers--
That perches in the soul--
And sings the tunes without the words --
And never stops--
at all--" Emily Dickinson
Library Paradise
December 2011
Collage art quilt: photo-transferred images and text, embroidery, embellishments, hand and machine stitching
12" x 12"
Library Paradise detail
Beyond Ideas
June 17, 2012
Mixed media collage art quilt
Hand painted and commercial cotton fabrics, photo-transferred images on cloth, hand and machine quilting, threads
10" x 12"
Detail of Beyond Ideas
Spring Chicken
May 2007
Mixed media collage art quilt 10" x 12"
Hand painted and commercial cotton fabrics, photo transfers to fabric, wooden eggs
Spring Chicken detail
Love, Love, Love
November 2008
Mixed media art quilt with applique, hand stitching, beads and ephemera
6" x 9"
Dancing Joy
September 2019
Art Quilt: acrylic paints, cotton fabric, hand and machine stitching
8" x 9"
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